
编辑整理:广东自考网   发布于:2018-05-24 07:05:13 点击: 次 


I. Multiple choice: (1×15=15)
Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

1. The WTO defines a domestic tourist as a traveler visiting a destination in his country of residence for at least ______.
A. one day
B. one week
C. one month
D. one weekend

2. Hotels vary not only in size but in ______, in type of clientele, and in scope of activities.
A. marketing
B. management
C. character
D. service

3. The brochure becomes the principal means of both ______ them about the product and persuading them to purchase it.
A. obliging
B. informing
C. attracting
D. marketing

4. Many mass tourism resort destinations suffer from ______, giving the landscape an unclean and untidy appearance.
A. congestion
B. poor service
C. overcrowding
D. litter

5. Increased ______ has led to growing demand for tourism both at home and abroad.
A. education standard
B. leisure time
C. pocket money
D. new concept

6. ______ and rigidity are very clear characteristics of package tours offered on a large scale.
A. Accomodation
B. Transportation
C. Identification
D. Standardization

7. The travel agent's role is ______ to that of most other retailers, in that agents do not purchase a product for resale to their customers.
A. dissimilar
B. similar
C. familiar
D. relevant

8. The tourism industry is often criticized for offering low wages but in these areas there may be no ______ jobs available.
A. good
B. better
C. alternative
D. satisfied

9. Several attempts have been made to determine why traverlers select the train as a transportation ______.
A. way
B. mode
C. policy
D. route

10. One important contribution of the World Tourism Organization is ______, which includes studying the features of international tourism.
A. research
B. design
C. marketing
D. statistics

11. For those who want to spend most of the time lying on a warm, sunny beach, an appropriate coastal ______ will be chosen.
A. hotel
B. park
C. town
D. resort

12. Scheduled services operate on ______.
A. fixed time
B. timetable
C. defined routes
D. booked customers

13. In the ideal situation, tourism enchances ______, knowledge and ultimately understanding between nations.
A. balance
B. awareness
C. development
D. concept

14. Politicians view tourism as a ______ factor in the economy of their jurisdictions.
A. political
B. cultural
C. business
D. wealth

15. Travel and tourism is a form of modern consumer ______.
A. behavior
B. believe
C. mystery
D. miracle 

Ⅱ. Reading comprehension: (2×10=20)
Directions: Read the following passages and make your proper choices.

Of the many interesting sights in Hangzhou, there is besides West Lake the spectacular tide at the mouth of Qiantang River. The tides here are what is called a tidal bore which makes a thrilling sight as it seems to be impelled by such a furious elemental force that it threatens to overwhelm and overpower everything in its way, striking awe in the beholder even as the sky and the sun are being swallowed up. It is said that in the world today only the tidal bore at the mouth of the mighty Amazon in Brazil can be a rival to that at the mouth of Qiantang.
The tidal bore of Qiantang has since ancient times been considered a spectacular sight. As early as the fourth century B.C., the ancient philosopher of China Zhuangzi had written about it like this: "The waters in the Zhe or Crooked River will roll on raising waves high as mountains and towers, creating a thunderous roar and gathering up a force that threatens to engulf the sun and the sky". In the Eastern Han Dynasty(25—220), Wang Chong the thinker, in his Essays of Criticism or Lun'Heng in Chinese, recorded his observations of the tidal bore of Qiantang River like this: "The tide flows and ebbs with the wax and wane of the moon". In ancient China, it was a common practice among men of letters not only to read widely but also to travel extensively. In the course of their travels, many of them had visited lots of famous mountains and magnificent rivers, but they had seen few sights that had impressed them as deeply as the tidal bore of Qiantang. Wielding their inspired pens, some of them had described the spectacular sight of the tidal bore. Poet Li Kuo of the Tang Dynasty(618—907)had these lines:
The bright mid-autumn moon casts its light on a thousand miles of land,
The thunderous bore at midnight loud as a million marching men.
16. According to the text the word "bore" here means ______.
A. force
B. wave
C. water
D. sight

17. The mighty Amazon in Brazil has a tidal bore at its mouth, ______ the Qiantang River's.
A. more powerful than
B. less powerful than
C. as powerful as
D. no match for

18. Since ancient time ______ people have praised the mighty of the tidal bore of Qiantang River.
A. many
B. great many
C. a few
D. not a few

19. Wang Chong believed that the tidal bore was ______ the moon's wax and wane.
A. related to
B. a part of
C. moved by
D. reported in

20. The line in Li Kuo's poem "The thunderous bore at midnight loud as a million marching men" means the bore is ______.
A. quiet at daytime
B. as powerful as marching men
C. as loud as the shouting of marching men
D. extremely loud

Another large and growing segment of tourism consumers is mature travelers. The face of the industrialized world's population is changing, as are the profiles of inspaniduals who take advantage of the ever-increasing array of leisure activities. Although it is probably a mistake to lump all mature travelers together into a single market, it is important to understand the immense size of this market. A good idea of the changes taking place in the mature segment of the tourism market can be seen by looking at the changes taking place in the United States. The American population is aging and will continue to increase as a percentage of the total population. By the year 2000, over 76 million Americans will be considered mature adults(55 years of age and older). Similar demographic shifts are taking place in many countries throughout the world.
The number of senior citizens in the United States who compose the market segment called "mature travelers" has been growing at double-digit rates. This rapid growth provides many opportunities for firms who recognize and plan to meet the needs of these travelers. The mature traveler market segment is especially important since these inspaniduals spend 30% more than younger travelers and account for 80% of all commercial vacation travel.
Many mature visitors have the time, money, and energy to travel and enjoy family, friends, new sights, adventures and active lifestyle. They value excellent food while vacationing more than any other age group. They are less interested in bars and nightlife activities than other age groups. They are most likely to visit casinos. Mature travelers usually purchase package tours and take cruise vacations.
International travelers are a large and growing segment of tourism consumers. Travel to foreign countries by international travelers has been growing at a rapid pace. Statistics show that in 2000, Shanghai received some 1.8 million foreign visitors while some 100,000 traveled from Shanghai to other countries. Singapore saw 31,231 Chinese travelers for the period January—September, 2000. The number of tourists applying to tour the three countries(Japan, Australia and
New Zealand) is increasing fast.
21. According to the passage demographic shifts mean the change of ______.
A. population
B. age structure
C. people's age
D. mature adults  

22. This article was written ______.
A. by 2000
B. before 2000
C. after 2000
D. in 2000

23. Mature travelers are very important part of tourism because of their ______.
A. mature
B. size
C. wealth
D. age

24. Mature travelers spend more money than ______ in traveling.
A. business people
B. young people
C. middle-aged people
D. other age groups

25. It seems the mature travelers prefer ______ very much.
A. casinos
B. bars
C. purchasing
D. nightlife activities 

Ⅲ. Cloze: (1×15=15)
Directions: Choose the one from the given A, B, C and D to complete the passage properly.

When you want to go back to a restaurant because you feel welcome there, that is about the best definition of good 26 that can be offered. Good service is 27 a matter of attitudes and begins with the attitude of the management. If the manager is dedicated 28 giving good friendly service and is 29 with employees and guests, then this 30 the employees to be friendly and to make the 31 feel welcome.
Very few people can continually carry a smile and be friendly to everybody they meet 32 they are constantly trained and encouraged to do so. One of management's most important jobs is to have a 33 training program for service personnel. There are many training aids available today from 34 sources. Even the smallest and 35 remote food operation can have a good training program.
Food service operations 36 from the classical French restaurant to the snack bar, each 37 an appropriate level of good service. A primary factor in all good service is that employees must be trained to recognize the 38 of the guest. They must realize that their livelihood depends upon being courteous and friendly. The manager of any restaurant should realize that the guest likes to be recognized. 39 practical, the manger should learn guests' names, stop by their tables when they are having dinner, and have polite conversation with them. If a problem 40 , a little personal contact by the manager can often resolve it and the guest will leave happily.
26. A. service B. food C. staff D. business
27. A. slightly B. nearly C. relatively D. primarily
28. A. at B. of C. to D. in
29. A. hostile B. tolerant C. satisfied D. courteous
30. A. urges B. encourages C. improves D. pushes
31. A. guests B. visitors C. tourists D. friends
32. A. though B. if C. unless D. when
33. A. main B. basic C. instant D. continuous
34. A. identical B. various C. distinct D. extra
35. A. most B. far C. best D. further
36. A. differ B. arrange C. range D. rank
37. A. has B. having C. have D. had
38. A. impression B. appetite C. taste D. importance
39. A. When B. As C. Though D. But
40. A. arouse B. raise C. has arisen D. rise

IV. Phrasal verbs: (1×10=10)
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the proper phrasal verbs given below. Make some changes if necessary.

bind up with
come up with
distribute to
fascinate with
focus on
lead to
put forward
refer to
result in
take on
41. The airline ____________ a novel solution to the problem of jet-lag.
42. Many foreign visitors ____________ China's mighty Yangtze River and its breathtaking Three Gorges.
43. New tourism ____________ key emerging characteristics of the tourism industry.
44. The technological complexity of twentieth century living ____________ various forms of pollution.
45. Many theories ____________ on mode selection decision processes.
46. The purchase of an airline ticket to visit parents ____________ feelings of love and affection for them.
47. The creation of income from tourism ____________ closely ____________ employment.
48. With the development of the package tour business after the Second World War, travel retailers ____________ a new role.
49. At present, the development of domestic tourism services should ____________ the economically advanced metropolitan areas.
50. The brochures ____________ the tourists when they got on the tour bus.

V. Phrase translation: (1×20=20)
Part One
Directions: Translate the following into Chinese.

51. the same value perceptions
52. foreign lands and cultures
53. be a certain cachet
54. the development of world trade
55. specially subsidized exchange rates
56. sponsor a continuous survey
57. judge expected load factors
58. the ancient buildings
59. the supply and demand equilibrium
60. 9.6 million square kilometers
Part Two
Directions: Translate the following into English.


Ⅵ. Passage translation: (10×2=20)
Directions: Translate the following passages into Chinese.

71. Since the 1990s, computer technology has been more widely applied to tourism in China where it has brought increasing economic benefit. Some large travel agencies are promoting the use of computers and the Internet in their operations, management and overseas promotion. China International Travel Service(CITS), the first to use computer management in China's tourism industry, has installed computers of various types to sell tourist products, quote prices, make reservations, work out schedule, arrange various services, settle tourist accounts and other financial matters. CITS China information goes out via Australia's Worldlink to more than 250,000 computer terminals worldwide.
72. Like the conference business, the exhibition industry appears to be growing. Between 1994 and 1998 the European industry, as indicated by exhibitor participation, was growing by over 4 per cent a year. In Germany, the modern Messe (会展中心) of Germany evolved at the beginning of the century from the centuries-old trade fairs. The Germans have maintained their lead through the development of specialist trade fairs as well as the continued development of their facilities. Their strength is not in the number of shows, but in their large size and international character. Germany is, of course, an important industrial country and it could be expected that there would be some correlation between exhibitions and industrial development. Frequently, as in Detroit in the USA, there is a link between trade fairs and the industries which are important in the local region.




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